[HNA] Repression in Honduras Escalates- Take Action Today

Tom Loudon toml at quixote.org
Fri Dec 18 12:32:50 PST 2009

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Quest for Peace Announcement


*We are receiving alarming reports from partners in Honduras.* 
 *Emboldened by the United States endorsement of the November 29th 
"elections," the state terror apparatus in Honduras has ramped up its 
grisly repression.* 

There has been a spike in targeted murders and abductions following the 
November 29^th "electoral event" which was massively boycotted by the 
people of Honduras. This escalation of human rights abuses is especially 
alarming because the judicial system is on holiday until January 2nd.  
People are terrified and are leaving the country.

Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department has "recognized the improved 
security situation in Honduras" and lifted the U.S. travel alert for the 

*Please call Secretary Hillary Clinton 202-647-5291 and register your 
alarm at the escalation of human rights violations in Honduras. You can 
cite the following cases:*

/-Dec. 6^th Death Squad style killing of five members of the resistance 
movement in the Villanueva neighborhood of Tegucigalpa. /

/-Dec. 11^th Decapitated body of resistance member Santos Corrales 
Garcia was found dumped on the road just outside of Tegucigalpa after 
being abducted by men wearing National Criminal Investigation 
Directorate uniforms and armed with machine guns. His body showed signs 
of torture./

/-Dec. 12^th Human rights defender Walter Trochez, member of the BGTL 
community and active member of the National Resistance Front was 
murdered after having survived a previous assassination attempt.  /

/-Dec. 14^th Death of teacher/activist Karen Hernandez Mondragon after 
fatal shooting./

/-Dec. 16^th Murder of 16 year old Catherine Nicolle Rodriquez Cabrera, 
daughter of journalist Karol Cabrera.. /

/-Dec. 17^th Abduction of two members of the Unified Peasant Movement of 
Aguan, MUCA in Sinaloa, Colón on Wednesday morning by four hooded men. 
 Eleven arrest warrants have been issued for other members.  1000 
peasant families occupying land in the region have been threatened with 
forcible removal by security forces. /

*Thank you for accompanying the people of Honduras during this holiday 
time that is becoming a human rights nightmare in Honduras. Call the 
State Department today and next week.*

We are translating reports of human rights violations and posting to 
as we receive them -please check for regular updates.



According to Bertha Oliva, Coordinator of COFADEH, statements by 
dictator Micheletti accusing the resistance movement of committing the 
murder of 16 year old Rodríguez Cabrera are a portent of more blood, 
persecution and violence for the people of Honduras. On Wednesday, the 
de facto President stated that "assassins of the Resistance" murdered 
Nicolle Rodríguez Cabrera (16), daughter of journalist Karol Cabrera, 
who works for the Channel 8 National Television Station of Honduras.

In a press conference yesterday, COFADEH stated that Micheletti's 
statements come in the context of the massacre of people in different 
part of the country, the murder of human rights defender Walter Tróchez 
and Karen Jessenia Hernández Mondragón and the disappearance of Carlos 
Roberto Turcios Maldonado, leader of the National Resistance Front as 
well as the persecution and illegal detention of peasants from the 
Unified Peasant Movement of Aguan (MUCA).

Oliva warned that Micheletti's accusations are the preamble to a new 
escalation of repression against the media which has courageously 
denounced the atrocities of the regime which include over 30 deaths, 
hundreds of tortures, persecutions, threats and surveillance which 
together form a strategy of terror intended to break the people's 
resistance against the coup de tat.

COFADEH stated that Micheletti, Romeo Vásquez Velásquez and all of their 
well known accomplices are responsible for the escalation of the 
repression against members of the resistance and issued an urgent call 
to international human rights organizations to take immediate action to 
safeguard the lives of the people of Honduras.


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