[HNA] Look for Statement 32 in English on www.hondurasresists.org

Sergio Reyes sreyes1 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 5 10:29:54 PST 2009

No comments!

--- On Thu, 11/5/09, DAVID KEIL <dmkeil at gmail.com> wrote:

From: DAVID KEIL <dmkeil at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [HNC] Statement Proposal
To: "honduras solidarity committee in solidarity with the honduran resistance" <committee at hondurasresists.org>
Date: Thursday, November 5, 2009, 9:20 AM

It appears to me that there are significant differences within the Boston committee on the statement draft submitted. Also, Statement 32 calls for celebration of the restitution of the President. Is there a possibility of those with the sharpest differences working out part of these, including possibly omission of non-consensus wording?
It may be urgent for that statement from Honduras to be translated to English. Is there a translation yet? Do we need to work on one?

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 9:14 AM, Michelle Fuentes <michelle.fuentes at gmail.com> wrote:

Sorry this message will be 1/2 english - 1/2 spanish- no time to translate the report from Frente .
Companeros- I am not sure about making statements that the  National Front has not made itself.  "With or without Zelaya" is not the official stance- restitution of Zelaya continues to be the key piece emphasized in the Frente's comment's on Friday as included below.  
My interpretation is Zelaya's restitution is key and that the fight of the Honduran people to determine change for their country will continue and be based the need to constitute the assembly to revise the constitution as a parallel process- but that a restoration to democratic order is 1st, even if by the San Jose Accord. 
While our ideal would have been a complete and immediate restitution on the 29th of June if possible....Let's not throw out the baby with the bath water. 
The gains here are:
1. The awakening and acceptance of power of the Honduran Resistance
2. The 4 months peaceful movement that they have maintained despite the repression
3. The  impending restitution of democratic order through their 4 month resistance
Things I am thinking about in terms of how to support the resistance
1. What happens if Zelaya is NOT restored (what steps, measures, actions will be necessary)
2. If Zelaya is restored- how do we contribute to the ensure transparent elections
3. How do we support the Resistance in positioning themselves for the assembling of the constituyente

In supporting the resistance we have to support the path they are determining.
Michelle Fuentes 
Below National Front's Communication on Friday Oct. 30 re: Accord
viernes 30 de octubre de 2009

Comunicado No. 32 

El Frente Nacional de Resistencia contra el Golpe de Estado, ante la inminente firma del acuerdo negociado entre la comisión representante del presidente legítimo Manuel Zelaya Rosales y los representantes del régimen de facto, comunica a la población hondureña y la comunidad internacional:
1. Celebramos como una victoria popular sobre los intereses mezquinos de la oligarquía golpista, la próxima restitución del presidente Manuel Zelaya Rosales. Esta victoria se ha obtenido con más de 4 meses de lucha y sacrificio del pueblo, que a pesar de la salvaje represión desatada por los cuerpos represivos del estado en manos de la clase dominante, ha sabido resistir y crecer en conciencia y organización hasta convertirse en una fuerza social incontenible.

2. La firma por parte de la Dictadura del documento donde se establece “retrotraer la titularidad del Poder Ejecutivo a su estado previo al 28 de junio”, representa la aceptación explícita de que en Honduras hubo un golpe de estado que debe ser desmontado para volver al orden institucional y garantizar un marco democrático en el que el pueblo pueda hacer valer su derecho de transformar la sociedad.

3. Exigimos que a los acuerdos que se firmen en la mesa de negociación se les de trámite expedito en el Congreso Nacional. En ese sentido, alertamos a todos nuestros compañeros y compañeras a nivel nacional para que se sumen a las acciones de presión para que se cumpla inmediatamente lo consignado en el documento final que se elabore en la mesa de negociación.

4. Reiteramos que la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente es una aspiración irrenunciable del pueblo hondureño y un derecho innegociable por el cual seguiremos luchando en las calles, hasta lograr la refundación de la sociedad para convertirla en justa, igualitaria y verdaderamente democrática.

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Kaveri Rajaraman <kaveri.rajaraman at gmail.com> wrote:

I agree with this statement, and have made a couple of minor changes and shifted around a couple of sentences. 

Statement of the Committee in Solidarity the Honduran Resistance-Boston with regards to Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accords

In response to the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accords agreed upon by Roberto Micheletti and Manuel Zelaya on Friday the 30th of October, our committee hereby reaffirms our committment to the counter-coup movement in Honduras, and our will to continue supporting the campesino, feminist, afro-Honduran, human rights, social justice, syndical and other organizations that form the National Front Against the Coup.

The agreement, devised and imposed by Washington and signed by both the illegal regime and the deposed executive of Honduras, serves first and foremost the interests of the entrenched oligarchy who perpetrated the coup. It ignores the will of the social organizations representing the country’s poor, who withdrew from the negotiations leading up to the agreement. However, to the extent that the accords force the illegal regime to make concessions, such as outlining a path to Zelaya's reinstatement, this is due to the brave sacrifices of the Honduran people who refused to capitulate to the business/military conspiracy that overthrew their elected president. 

After four months of military rule and widespread human rights violations, the regime hopes to legitimize itself by realizing elections in a climate that could not be considered free and fair. The withdrawal by candidates who oppose the coup, at the presidential, congressional, and local levels, is an indicator that democratic elections can not be carried out under dictatorial circumstances. Meanwhile the demand of the people for convoking a popular and democratic national constitutional assembly has not been met and the resistance continues to struggle for an assembly consisting of the different social sectors of the country such as women, youth, indigenous and Garifuna peoples, workers, the LGBT community, community councils, representatives of marginalized neighborhoods, teachers, artists, peasants, honest business people, intellectuals, professionals, the informal economy sector, and alternative media, among others.

With or without Manuel Zelaya, with or without the fulfillment of the accords, the resistance continues, and it is this resistance that will continue fighting for a just order in their country. It is the aim of our work to support this historical process.

Viva Honduras!!!

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Simon Rios <elektrodread at gmail.com> wrote:


Here is a statement proposal that I said I would write. Please let me know if you have anything to add & we can go ahead & publish it. Thank you!

Statement of the Committee in Solidarity the Honduran Resistance-Boston with regards to Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accords

In response to the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accords agreed upon by Roberto Micheletti and Manuel Zelaya on Friday the 30th of October, our committee hereby reaffirms our committment to the counter-coup movement in Honduras, and our will to continue supporting the campesino, feminist, afro-Honduran, human rights, social justice, sindical and other organizations that form the National Front Against the Coup.
    The agreement, devised and imposed by Washington and signed by both the illegal regime and the deposed executive of Honduras, serves first and foremost the the entrenched oligarchy who perpetrated the coup, meanwhile ignoring the will of the social organizations representing the country’s poor. After four months of military rule and widespread human rights violations, the regime hopes to legitimize itself by realizing elections in a climate that by no stretch can be considered free and fair. The withdrawal by candidates who oppose the coup, at the presidential, congressional, and local levels, is a clear indicator that elections can not be carried out under dictatorial circumstances. 
    The brave sacrifices of the Honduran people have laid the groundwork for the Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accords, refusing to capitulate to the empresario/military conspiracy that overthrew their elected president. With or without Manuel Zelaya or the fulfillment of the accords, the resistance continues, and it is this resistance that will continue fighting for a just order in thier country. It is the aim of our work to support this historical process.

Viva Honduras!!!

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-Michelle Fuentes

"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children."   Kahlil Gibran

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