[HNA] President Zelaya Denounces Coup Plan For Elections

Tito Meza proyectohondureno at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 04:36:30 PST 2009

       [image: Proyecto Hondureño]       *November 9, 2009 *     *

* *
*This Friday *
* *
*NOVEMBER 13,2009*
*7 p.m.*
*Encuentro 5*
*33 Harrison Ave.*
Boston, MA


An analisis of the events and the future of Honduras after the signing of
the Guaymuras Accord of Tegucigalpa/San Jose for national reconciliation and
the strengthening of democracy.


*Visiting Prof. of History for the Faculty of Arts and Science, Harvard
University and former Minister of Culture under the government of Manuel
Zelaya in Honduras.

founding member of the Committee in Solidarity with Honduras and musician
OAS Secretary General Miguel Insulza

*[image: Miguel Insulza]

   [image: Honduras Resists]

The Honduran people have maintained over 130  days of peaceful resistance
against the coup that ousted democratically elected President Manuel Zelay*

*Support their Struggle*
*Donate Today*<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102814793015&s=1&e=001mgZe8ABFLCgxhHFAAWgcIksda-qoYpMIqigMrC7u7fwhbDtmptiG_fwGYgXU0nKbj2vOumaeyVXZm4lockVMaoKUwc9NyukmiDQbtZ2eQBJ4TB8MGhoa9zu9Viz7y7yIFXcMpOJNtBawC8aYvhY3NyvFE6gwac4GDvg_mLusGEAgYe1LPsWJ6xHyAD2j-X3q>
* *

Despite calling the removal of President Zelaya illegal, the Obama
administration now says they will back elections.
*Nov. 6. Press Briefing*<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102814793015&s=1&e=001mgZe8ABFLCjB6ZQzNtqjjTJ7oK2xhirgwSp_xCU8FOwBHz3KtyNXeaBAY7W16hjzgnkjxf1s3sKpjD8Fj1lOYEPuaH3XSUQ0Vh7975v5XzdQhKfqyqaSdOhjvJpGp0_Tfy9ZPpOTaUhUG1CgXABYA-_6Ecb0C8DpJYhoVU5nHXA=>
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:: Contact  Us*
*Phone: 617-401-5208*
 *proyectohondureno at gmail.com* <proyectohondureno at gmail.com>

      [image: Presidente Zelaya]**

Zelaya Denounces Coup Plan For Elections
*November 8,2009 *
*Radio Globo Interview*

 *Zelaya denounced a plan to take place in the next few days led by the coup
leadership to replace Roberto Micheletti with another coup leader in order
to claim Micheletti has renounced the presidency, that the unity goverment
can move forward  and to create a fraudulent cover and claim legitimization
of electoral process. *

*"The democratic process occurs at the ballot box- but Micheletti thinks
that he can announce himself or another as the president. He has made a joke
of the 4 months of time that  U.S. Secretary Clinton,  President Oscar
Arias, OAS, the entire entire international community have been dialoguing.
** We are three weeks away from the date of elections and there have been no
campaigns.  The majority of people are in resistance, others are trying to
go along to get along, but there is a lot of confusion- and people do not
know who to vote for- without public campaigns how can there be an open
transparent electoral process?"

 *Regarding Independant candidate Carlos H. Reyes decision to not engage in
the electoral process- President Zelaya re-iterated the lack of transparency
of the electoral process and commended the decision.  He added, **" The U.S.
is backing off with pressure from Micheletti, but I will not back  off ,the
Honduran people and the resistace will not back off until their voice is
heard.  I maintain my position. The position of the people of Honduras -
 Complete condemnation of the coup.  We refuse violence and military rule in
Honduras.  We do not want to live in war. "

When asked about a return to dialouge, Zelaya said, "I will not return to
dialogue with Micheletti because they have killed the letter of the
agreement- it is dead."  He stated the situation was now back in the hands
of the OAS and added, " The OAS has a charter and a mission.  Now they have
two choices, either they can just have the letter be, or they can ensure
that the mission and charter are upheld by the means at their disposal to
ensure the return to pre coup state."
     [image: Carlos H. Reyes]

Independant Candidate Carlos H. Reyes will not partcipate in election

 November 8, 2009
*Independant candidate for President of Honduras, Carlos Reyes, announced
his withdrawal from the electoral prccess, this Sunday, considering that to
take part would be to "legitimize" the coup of June 28 against Manuel

He declared, "For us, time has run out and we lare removing ourselves from
the  electoral process. Our decision is definite and tomorrow we will
informa the Superior Electoral Court."*
* *
  *[image: Honduras Resists][image: Honduras Resists]*
*Committee in Solidarity With The Honduran
 * *
*Honduras Resists Blog

*Radio Globo (spanish)*<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102814793015&s=1&e=001mgZe8ABFLCjdEb6jvO89hjmoHL4zdrsYs_Jn53JRVyFvCSIRlh1r2gAl_zUazH1vExlBEqQOMzefxeJZxkp5MBsQaFOFsZh24K38TUTo12qob0Pvcu_qglpb1Wn5TsTq>

*TeleSur (spanish)

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Proyecto Hondureño | 248 Broadway | Chelsea | MA | 02150
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