[HNA] Day 1 of Solidarity Relay Fast from Boston: JOIN US TODAY!

Kaveri Rajaraman kaveri.rajaraman at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 21:50:51 PDT 2009

Here is a picture from the first day of our Boston Solidarity Fast, taken by
Sergio . We had an event today with Lisa Sullivan and Omar Sierra speaking
on the involvement of the SOA in the coup in Honduras and in Venezuela in
2002, and some people posed with a sign, which Sergio added print to because
the ink was not clear. I am also wearing another not very clear sign saying
I fasted today.

David Keil, also on this email, has pledged to fast tomorrow. We are
starting a 24 hour fast relay among our Boston supporters of the resistance
in Honduras.

Simon, will also fast in the coming week, Jennifer has asked for more
information, and some brave people signed up at today's event to fast in the
coming week. I am CC'ing them here: Christine Elliot, Lee Carpenter, Eugene
Schiff and Selene.

If anyone else from our announce list is inspired to join, or to send
messages of solidarity to the fasters who have been continuously fasting
since October 5 (and were on a liquid diet for weeks before that), we would
love your messages of solidarity. Please send to:
 hondurasayuno at gmail.com, hondurasfast at gmail.com

Listed below is a link to the fast website, which has the demands of the
fast: http://www.fastforhonduras.net/

in solidarity,
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