[HNA] repression in Honduras!!!

Simon Rios elektrodread at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 07:13:46 PDT 2009

  Report from Tegucigalpa:

Radio Globo ha sido silenciado por aire y por internet. Hoy a las 5:20 am ha
iniciado una fuerte represion a la gente congregada alrededor de la Embajada
de Brasil donde se encuentra el Presidente Manuel Zelaya. Han tirado
muchisimos gases lacrimogenos, balas de goma y carros de agua.

  Micheletti cerro los 4 aeropuertos y anuncio que finalizo la mediacion de

  Se viene la represion fascista.

  Urgente informar al mundo.

eschuchen a Radio Globo: www.radioglobohonduras.com

Radio Globo has been silenced by the military. Today, at 5:20 am, a strong
wave of repression against the people congregated outside the Brazilian
embassy where Manuel Zelaya is located. They have fired great amounts of
tear gas, rubber bullets, and high-powered hoses. Micheletti has closed the
4 airports and ended the Arias mediations. Members of the international
press corps are being kicked out of the country.

Stay tuned for a call for Action!!!

Simon Rios
(603) 233-1922
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