[HNA] Legislative Action Alert, Call your Senator today to close the SOA/WHINSEC

Kaveri Rajaraman kaveri.rajaraman at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 10:13:53 PDT 2009

Closing the SOA/Whinsec would go a long way toward preventing future golpes
de estado...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pam Bowman, SOA Watch <pbowman at soaw.org>
Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:32 PM
Subject: Legislative Action Alert, Call your Senator today
To: krajaram at fas.harvard.edu

we write to you today to bring you an urgent update on our efforts to close
the SOA/ WHINSEC. Congress is close to making a decision about whether to
make the names of SOA/ WHINSEC graduates and instructors transparent and
available to the public. This information is crucial to our research and
legislative efforts to close the school. Kaveri, you are receiving this
email because YOUR Senator is a key player in determining whether we win a
vote in Congress, and we ask that you take a very important action step to
make sure we claim victory this fall! Your Senator was selected to serve on
the joint House-Senate conference committee that will make the decision
about whether the McGovern - Sestak - Bishop - Lewis amendment language will
be included in the final version of the FY 2010 Defense Authorization bill.
Lucky you! You have a DIRECT opportunity to influence the position they take
in the conference committee negotiations that will take place in September!

Here is the list of Senators on the conference committee:

Levin (Michigan), Kennedy (Massachusetts), Byrd (West Virginia), Lieberman
(Connecticut), Reed (Rhode Island), Akaka (Hawaii), Nelson (Florida), Nelson
(Nebraska), Bayh (Indiana), Webb (Virginia), McCaskill (Missouri), Udall
(Colorado), Hagan (North Carolina), Begich (Alaska), Burris (Illinois),
McCain (Arizona), Inhofe (Oklahoma), Sessions (Alabama), Chambliss
(Georgia), Graham (South Carolina), Thune (South Dakota), Martinez
(Florida), Wicker (Mississippi), Burr (North Carolina), Vitter (Louisiana),
and Collins (Maine)

*PLEASE call your Senator(s) from the list above and express your strong
support for the McGovern - Sestak - Bishop - Lewis amendment language to be
included in the final version of the FY 2010 Defense Authorization bill.*

You can contact the DC office of your Senator by calling the Capitol Hill
Switchboard toll free at 1-800-473-6711, (or 202-224-3121). Ask to be
transferred to your Senator's office, and when you are connected, ask to
speak with the military/defense legislative assistant to relay your message.

Finally, please forward this information about the Senate conferees far and
wide and encourage everyone to contact their Senators from this list
requesting they support the inclusion of the amendment language.

You can read more about the amendment language and the June 25 vote in
Congress on the SOA Watch Legislative Action
or contact our Legislative Coordinator, Pam Bowman at pbowman at soaw.org if
you have further questions.
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