[HNA] Nat'l Committee Call notes from Jan 5, 2010

Sergio Reyes sreyes1 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 7 09:28:02 PST 2010

Thanks Erin for the quick turnaround on the notes!

Conference Call- Jan. 5, 2010

Next Call scheduled for 8pm EST Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Vicki Cervantes, La Voz de loz de Abajo, Tom Loudon, Quixote Center Washington DC, Erin Cox, 8th Day Center for Justice – Chicago IL, Joe Callahan,  Hands off Honduras Coalition, Minneapolis MN, Sarah, US/ El Salvador Sister Cities Tito Meza,  Boston MA, Proyecto Hondureano, Beth Geglia, Washington DC Hondurans for Democracy,  Jeanne Stockton, Sisters of Mercy in Honduras, Pax Cristi USA, Ray del Papa, School of the Americas Watch South Florida, Gary Cozette, Chicago  Religious Leadership Network, Evelyn Zuniga, Houston

Recent news in Honduras; Updates:

-Vicki- spoke with General Secretary from the Frente, they stated that out in the countryside it has been quieter except for the mobilization of troops in the region.  However, there has been picking off of leaders in the local resistance communities, several murders have occurred.

The days before Christmas there was repression towards Cesar Silva, a journalist of the resistance. He was beaten and had been threatened before.  On the 28th we have an opportunity to have an exchange with Radio Globo to layout the plans of the resistance for short term and long term in terms of the struggle.  Resistance is planning  different activities in January to plan a big rally the following week in Tegucigalpa.

Talks are going on between the Frente and those in the Liberal party also against the Coup:  to consolidate the goals and work together.

Tom Loudon- Cesar  has since left the country. A number of other people are also in the process are doing that. Aside from the assassinations, it has been somewhat quieter. People are nervous about what could potentially happen when new government comes in, they are not hopeful about this. There are an increasing number of people in exile.  The next march is on Jan. 7th when the Congress will vote to pull out of ALBA. There will also be a march on the 27th.  Resistance will try and not provoke any repression but not sure what will happen.  The Frente is trying to coordinate with other people around the country to work against the repression.

Frente International committee Rep. to the US is going to change, but new person has not yet been selected. Tom will get that information out when the person has been chosen.

The struggle for the Constitutional Assembly will continue, but they are not talking about a particular time frame. The Frente is talking about educating around a People’s Alternative, but have not created a time line for this. 

Vicki -we heard the same thing in CNTC.  Working on further consolidating communities, commitment to Constityente but looking on short term being the next four years and something that they want to concern.  State Dept. calling for a Truth Commission- Is this still being considered?    Lobos has also talked about this, but anything that would happen of that nature would not be supported by the Frente or the Resistance movement. The truth commission needs to come out from an independent space. There has been talking about how this might be brought about, but have yet to figure out how this might happen and how this could have international acceptance. Getting through the next two –three months is the priority right now.

Honduras – Going to raise the price of gasoline.  The economy is going to work against the Lobos government and the government is talking about reducing the minimum wage. The price of everything is going up.  Only leaders have been participating in negotiation for the minimum wage.

Activities people are planning in the United States: How can we coordinate these?

1.       La Voz de Loz de Abajo has delegation planning stages to Chicago with La Voz de loz de Abajo in the first weeks of March – Bring people from all sectors from the resistance. Do our own Truth Commission idea in Chicago. The idea was to invite 4-5 people from Honduras to get their plane fare covered to and from Chicago and then arrange with people around the country to get them to different places. Possibly ending in Chicago to do a final human rights commission.  Contacted Lawyers Guild in Depaul and the University of Chicago. We have had preliminary discussion about Berta Oliva: Cofadeh, Berta Caseres from Copin, someone from Labor (Carols H. Reyes), Speakers from Ofraneh from the leaders of resistance, possible contacts with the teachers union. Because of the short time frame they are looking for people who have visas.

Will look into talking to some youth organizations.

Is it possible to have religious representatives?  We have talked some about Padre Melo, we would be happy to collaborate with anyone who is thinking of bringing Padre Melo.  He was up in New York briefly before Christmas.

In terms of the teachers, if you were able to bring some teachers up; there were 4 people from different  teachers unions in Canada on our last delegation, who would likely be interested in hosting  them in Canada as well.

Frente is interested in coordinating as much as possible these visits, to build lasting relationships with the international community. They will put forward some people who they thought it would make sense to send. Tom will send those names out to them and make sure that we coordinate well.   All of this needs to happen quickly, as advance planning time is important, and March is not far off. 

Dr. Juan Almendares would be great and respected by many different sectors. Would be a great person who could talk with different groups. 

                The  letter that is being circulated is a sign on to President Obama –The deadline for the signing the letter is January 18, 2010.  Send organizational sign ons to: elektrodread at gmail.com or individual signers go to: http://www.petitiononline.com/Morazan/.

Delegation to Honduras: Plans:

La Voz de Loz de Abajo – Still have room for a few people, but we have about 7-8 people. Leaving January 23rd -31st plan is to visit Radio Progresso, Visit Red Comal in Siguatepeque and visit with Frente in Tegucigalpa.  People from Chicago are leaving on the 23rd and flying into San Pedro Sula. People flying to Tegucigalpa will fly out the 30th or the 31st. Plan on visit US embassy to express concerns, press conference. Accompaniment and human rights observers during the 27th and then visit campesino communities that was attacked in the La Paz communities

Thought it would be beneficial to coordinate with Quixote and Rights Action actions and a forum the actions in the United States and have the three delegations work together.

Tom – we had two long term volunteers who had been in Honduras who have decided it is time to move on. We are looking for two new people to be the beginning of a long term in Honduras. If anyone is aware of possible candidates to staff our accompaniment project we are very interested in talking with them.  If so, please contact Tom at the Quixote Center.

Some people from DC who have been working around the Honduras issue will be in Honduras during that time and were hoping to meet up and work with the delegation.

 Gary- In Chicago -  We would find it helpful if there is a comprehensive list of everyone who has been assassinated with the coup.  This is important to give to Congressional Representatives. We just have bits and pieces from different groups. We would appreciate pictures from people, even if there is just a packet that could be emailed out to be used at demonstrations and presentations at schools.  Pictures of those who have been assassinated, their names etc.

Tom: As far as I know a list does not exist, we have been encouraging people to put a comprehensive list together the closest thing was the COFADEH report which is several months old now.

Gary: perhaps we can get an intern to assemble a list of names and then get that out to people. We think it would be extremely helpful for our work and would raise the consciousness of what happened.

Jeanne :  Are there newspapers paid ads in Honduras that report that the International Community is watching? El Tiempo has really been the only one.  

Beth from DC did an hour long program with Felix Molina, a journalist with Radio Globo which focused on what’s going on in Honduras.

Paid ads are good ideas; probably need someone in country to figure out costs etc. Also to figure out if there is allowed for opposition ads.

Paid ads can be done from New York.

Experience in El Salvador is that the ads were censored. The radio ads were censored a lot slower and we always had to meet with the person in charge of the ads to give them the money.

The Quixote Center has done paid ads in other places before. We investigated doing one in Honduras and have found that It costs about $1500 for a full page ad. The Prensa was $2000.  The key is that we need to have the right message. This turnover of power might be a good moment. This might be worth exploring.  The issues are the message and the moment. 

What could we focus on?  The elections, the human rights crisis? 

The objective for Human Rights is to time it right, in the fact that the goal to show that we are watching. Demonstrating vigilance.

The ad might be good to share some ideas of talking points via the list serve and see if our ideas sell. Perhaps have letters we have signed and have the ad appear on January 26th.

Is anyone planning anything for the 27th? 

Beth Julia:  DC: Thinking about doing a public action in DC in front of the NDI

We might visit John Kerry – he had a number of statements that were weak

How much work has been with Canada, they have been a great source of solidarity, it would be great to have teachers display how they have been terrorized.  Several teachers from Canada have come on Quixote delegations and it might be good to connect with them on some kind of effort.

Sarah- from Sister Cities:  January 27th. A couple of Sister Cities representatives wanted to have a follow up meeting with the State Department.  Would there be people be able to organize a mtg. after the inauguration occur? Sarah will follow up with this on Email.

There was a congressional resolution a few weeks ago, is there another plan to have a congressional letter to sign onto?  Tom stated that he was not aware of anything new, Thinks that on the hill the people who are upset about this are demoralized about the state of affairs.  Representative Schakowsky stated that she did not have much interest on a sign on for a new letter. Said that she was going to meet with Clinton in the future but didn’t hear more about that.  Didn’t work out that way.

Next meeting scheduled in two weeks- 8pm EST Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 


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